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viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014

Check out some of the difference between Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg

Steve Jobs vs Mark Zuckerberg from SeoCustomer.com

Here’s to the crazy ones, the
misfits, the rebels, the
troublemakers, the round pegs in
the square holes…

the ones who see things differently — they’re
not fond of rules… You can quote them,
disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but
the only thing you can’t do is ignore them
because they change things… they push the
human race forward, and while some may
see them as the crazy ones, we see genius,
because the ones who are crazy enough to
think that they can change the world, are the
ones who do.

Steve Jobs

So many businesses get worried
about looking like they might
make a mistake, they become
afraid to take any risk.

Companies are set up so that people judge
each other on failure. I am not going to get
fired if we have a bad year. Or a bad five
years. I don’t have to worry about making
things look good if they’re not. I can actually
set up the company to create value.

Mark Zuckerberg

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